SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

we need to start hanging scum or we wont live to see the end of this game


You can try

If NB is exe, then Squid, light and Marcus are scum then

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This is so risky

I hate threatening, but it’s my only option here

Alrighty @PoisonedSquid
And @Margaret

If you guys don’t get me voted, i’ll be forced to attack Celeste,
Meaning Celeste is dead
And squid, your only way of being confirmed is gone.

It’s your call.



Btw why are you forced to attack Celeste? hmm

Has Marl bled light sin yet tho

Actually you’ll be occupied if and only if we actually have a GD accused

Not to my knowledge

If he is bleeding, he hasnt said anything about it

Why the fuck do you keep thinking I can bleed people


Unvote plox.

We have a golden dragon accused.

You guys are fucking dumb. If Marcus or me is scum then Marcus is dead.


Yeah, stop voting me. I’m cOnFiRmEd

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Listen to firekitten

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I kill Marcus and light. Squid gets lynched. All scum cannadates die and I get confirmed. More so than I already am.

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Let’s vote Marcus, Nuke do your thing on Squid tonight
/vote Marcus

I’ll occupy Lightsin


I’m killing Marcus. Can’t kill anyone else