SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!



Hippo killed by nk,vulgard suicided attacking me :thinking:


The good news is I am 1/3 of the way to prevention immunity.
I think

We using that thing from tol?

Idk, Iā€™d hope so
Otherwise I am going to be useless

I guess but couldnā€™t assassin have attacked Hippo to? Or are we pretty sure itā€™s a cult game?

I donā€™t want to jump ahead of rings here.
However, if it was a cult game, would scum or BD have occupied me?

Iā€™m guessing scum would of.

This would confirm me as not starting scum and would mean I am incredibly unlikely to be converted as they wouldnā€™t want their scum member to have a prevented result N1 as that reduces confirmation

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Even if it IS an unseen game, the prevention may have been caused by a Neut (If they can do that? I havent read up).
Thus likelihood of me being scum is significantly lower than others

Ok last thing before I actually try to sleep

I suspect nuclear as scum cuz gut read

Accused can occupy people

He canā€™t visit.


Even if itā€™s a cult with an Invoker, at start he donā€™t have any abillities to occupy anyone.


The chances of me being scum are incredibly slim:

  1. I would have to be non-killer
  2. Based off my soft claim, a non-BD would have occupied me

I trust that you are GD rn

Oh I know his class.

Heā€™s gud I promise

Me? My class?

There is a possility that itā€™s game with Accused, Lawyer and Prosecutor. But itā€™s even more unlikely.

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