SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Change your pfp to Winston Payne, it suits you.


Stats don`t matter

Conforming is for the weak minded

They 100% do. If you base your choices on stats you will be righ more likely than wrong



learn the plague

do the plague

be the plague

Why do you think we no lynch when it is beneficial in mathematicallly speaking games? Because of the odds

Too bad.

Odds stink sometime deal with it

I stand by my vote but if you guys are against probability and mathematics be my guest

If we hang him, not only do i lose, but GD will be put at a massive disadvantage because we myslynched

Don’t ever go to a casino because their odds are horrible

Nope because probability says he is scum so I Sheep probabilities and mathematics

SHEEP! He sheeped vote him!

We have to combine odds with actions and other stuff

Odds themself won’t help us that much

Ethos wasn’t really town productive either thanks for enforcing my point also different factions of Accused have the same abilitieis so all I look at is town motivation rn and not actions

but being a sheepicorn is good tho right?


Because he`s neutral, and we dont know who is scum or not

Agreed, Sam Claim now

Um, you are saying he is neutral so there is no downside to lynching him. And also if he is neutral why not claim neut neut. additionally, he could be scum now faking bd and neut