SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Taking stupid risks like letting a non bd king live until late is the only way this game can be thrown by GD

To be clear. Every Neuttal is ā€œScumā€ in your dictonary?

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No, he normally gives neuts a chance.

No, just anyone who claims neutral king - because they arenā€™t neutral king. Neutral kings do not benefit from claiming neutral. they would claim good

Thatā€™s the point

Marl. Queen doesnā€™t change no matter the faction. Its pointless to vote them with Maximus being basically tonights convert.

ONLY Evil Kings think along the lines of ā€œI really donā€™t want to be executed, but good king seems like too much of a stretch. Better claim neutral so i can do whatever i want!ā€


Until the accused would say anything donā€™t vote. Thatā€™s my advice.

Marl. Letting Pug die is riskier than letting Pug live.

good luck, new players tend to disappear when theyā€™re needed most

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Not my problem. Considering how many information we have and if most of them are legit then there is high chance, heā€™s not GD. fyi

Marl. Calm down and think of it from Pugs pov. Say Pug is GD, rip everyone.
Pug is Neutral/Evil, Maximus either dies or gets converted. We either have no Queen or we have a confirmed evil queen.

With Maximus, he would know the scumteam.

Which makes him more of a threat than Pug.

Do you really want to take that risk?

Theres also the chance Maximus was converted n1

The ONLY Way we can remove Pug from the throne is by hanging him
There is no better time to do it than now. We hang pug today

neut =/= scum.

Evil King DOESNT Know the scumteam? That point is moot