SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

We already established that Marl is the NK

Blizer - Null - Not active enough for me to read. Or maybe I just missed his AI posts

Twil1ight - Null/slight scum? - Same as Blizer

Marcus - Same as Blizer -_- but I have the feeling that he is a neutral

PKR - Slight Town Lean - He does seem to be trying, abeit not that much. I do hope mage was on him last night and he wasn’t converted.

Sam17z - Slight Scum Lean - Lurker-ish. Possibly Neutral? Not enough posts I think

Ah darn it, you got me. I’m actually the NK

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I think I said Marl

Before anything can i ask for a reason?

You are the n1 convert obviously

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Nvm Sam has like 93 posts how did I miss them

I’m gonna have to go and try to iso him on mobile then -_-

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Yes, I am the Marshal now


I love how people keep saying Mobile is bad but the only time I go on comp is to post classcards

I am neut king converted to mastermind

/ s

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Kinda lurker-ish, I haven’t seen many AI posts from you I guess

Would prefer if you came up with your own reads instead if commenting on others

83 posts

But Twi posts are actual postsss

Making a gazillon posts doesn’t make anyone lock town just saying.


I can’t read anything on mobile reeee

How TF do you iso someone on mobile without using the search bar again

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On mobile. Oops, i dont think you can

Well fuck

Guys. MM converted me last night and i am now CL

Use the search bar

I love how i wanted to dev my discord bot but now I cant because I ran out of time.