SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Welcome to SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon

This SFoL works like a normal SFoL with one twist: The Blue Dragon is replaced with:

The Golden Dragon

The main differences this faction has over the Blue Dragon are:

  • The Queen is a more “Social” version of the King.
  • The only guaranteed role the Golden Dragon has is “The Bailiff” which works as a nonconvertible Sheriff/Paladin. The Bailiff gains a different ability depending on the scum faction.
  • There are no classes with royal blood, instead the Queen is able to give royal blood to whoever she wants.
  • All royals are able to speak to the Queen and each other at night as long as the Queen is alive.
  • Golden Dragon classes convert into their special unseen classes, and the cult classes may have different abilities than the ones converted from the BD.
  • There is no Prince or jailing of any kind in this faction.

Host: Psychoneirik
Cohost: @CheesyKnives


  • Follow the Global Forum Rules
  • If you haven’t posted content in 36 hours, you’ll be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to that prod in 16 hours, you will be force replaced.
  • No private messaging others in the game about the game.
  • Do not post anything on a previous night’s royal chat.
  • Do not post anything during nighttime.
  • Do not post anything on Unseen/Cult chat during the daytime.
  • Do not screenshot or quote private host messages
  • If you already submitted a night action and wish to change it, say it on a new message. Don’t edit your previous action, so the hosts can notice. Some actions are instant and cannot be changed once sent.
  • Don’t throw the game. This includes any form of intent to make you or your faction lose
  • Do not edit your messages. Edits are only allowed for grammar mistakes.
  • Players are not allowed to use big letters. These are reserved for the host.
  • Remember, this is a game. Respect others and lets have fun!


  • Days will be 72 hours long, or shorter if someone is executed
  • Nights will be 24 hours days long
  • Actions are done by messaging me
  • You cannot target yourself with abilities unless an ability says otherwise.
  • You cannot use day abilities on day 1 unless an ability says otherwise.
  • You cannot use day abilities while someone is on trial unless an ability says otherwise.
  • Class cards are found in the following thread: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/the-golden-dragon-sfol-class-cards/67429/1
  • FoL classes outside of those stated in the class cards thread will NOT appear in this game.
  • Please note that some class cards like the Mastermind or some Cultists are slightly different than their FoL versions.
  • Unseen/Cult will have a private night chat
  • The Queen and all royals will have a private night chat. There will be a different chat for every day, and you are only allowed to talk on the most recent one.
  • When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it. Failure to do so might make you lose your spot.
  • Players are able to ask the host for flavor text or notifications to help with fake claiming.
  • Frame doesn’t work on Royal Guard’s Duel.
  • Frame will make the target appear to have visited whoever died that night to the Bailiff’s Interrogate ability.
  • Frame will make a player give the opposite records to a librarian.
  • If a framed player visits the gravekeeper’s Stalk target the Gravekeeper will be alerted.
  • Instant night abilities like Hearsay and Words of Wisdom don’t count as visiting and are unaffected by occupation, redirection or visit prevention.


  • To accuse someone say “/vote [player]
  • To rescind your vote say “/unvote
  • Everyone will be able to keep talking when someone is on trial
  • While someone is on trial, everyone will be able to vote /pardon or /execute. Their fate will be decided once majority is reached.
  • Trials will last for a maximum of 12 hours.
  • Trials are limited to two per day.
  • Day will end immediately after someone is executed on trial or after the second trial.


  • Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed
  • If you have a killing ability, you can submit a deathnote with the kill. The deathnote can be either an image or a message. The hosts might not accept a deathnote if it breaks any rules.

To Join

  • To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want

Ability results/notifications

Here is a list of the results and notifications that players can get. If a result is missing, players can ask for them via PM.

List of ability results

You slept peacefully.
Something prevented you from using your action.
You were occupied and it bypassed your immunity.
You were forced to target [player].
You were forced to target [player] and it bypassed your immunity.
You were healed.
Your bleeding was healed.
Your poison was healed.
Someone tried to occupy you or change your target, but you are immune.
The Queen has given you Royal Blood. You may now speak with other royals at night and you can put your name forward for nominations to become the next Queen.
The Queen has taken away your royal blood.
Someone sent you an anonymous message: [message]
A Spy/Double Agent/Apostle is looking for hearsay, write a message and it will be delivered to them at the end of the night.
A Spy/Double Agent/Apostle is spreading gossip. Write a message and it will be delivered anonymously to the court tomorrow.
An Elder/Senior/Apostle is supporting you. Your votes will count as two today. (Doesn’t include votes for pardon/execution).
An Elder/Senior/Apostle has prevented you from voting today.
[Player] prevented your attack and challenged you to a duel. Both you and [player] are bleeding and will die in 1 day unless healed.
The Executioner/Hangman/Invoker is watching your every move!
You started bleeding and will die in 2 days unless healed!
You started bleeding and will die in 1 day unless healed!
An Executioner/Hangman/Invoker has sentenced you to death! They may kill you the following night.
You attacked [player], but they are immune.
You were attacked last night.
You were attacked, but are immune.
You were distracted and can’t use day abilities for the rest of the day.
A Lawyer has made you unable to accuse others and you will be forced to vote pardon for the rest of the day!
You interrogated [player]. [player] visited [player(s)] last night. [player] visited [player(s)] the night before that.
[Player] is not suspicious.
[Player] is a member of the Unseen!
[Player] is a member of the Cult!
You used Holy shield on [player].
You prevented all visits on [player].
A member of the unseen tried to visit [player] last night!
No members of the unseen tried to visit [player] last night.
Your record search ability will find murder records tonight.
Your record search ability will find the target’s class type tonight.
[player] has no records.
[player] has medical records.
[player] has criminal records.
[player] has royal records.
[player] has murder records.
[player] is a [Class type] class. (Example: Psychoneirik is a Killer class!)
No one visited [player] last night.
[player(s)] visited [player] last night.
You saw a suspicious figure visit [player] last night.
You used exhume on [dead player]. These are the notifications they got on the night of their death: [notifications].
Your Cure wounds target will also be healed the following night.
[Player] did not require healing.
You healed [player].
[Player] was poisoned, so you healed them.
[Player] was bleeding, so you healed them.
You prevented everyone except support and killer roles from visiting [player].
You opened a portal to player’s room.
You sent [player] an anonymous message.
You didn’t get any messages with hearsay.
You got the following messages with hearsay: [messages]
You allowed [player] to send an anonymous message to the court. It will be delivered at the beginning of the day.
[player]'s votes will count as two for the rest of the day.
Your next vote for pardon will count as three.
You sent everyone in court an anonymous message.
You prevented [player] from voting tomorrow.
You forced [player] to target [player].
You couldn’t redirect [player]. They are immune, visited a portal’s target or were empowered in some other way.
Someone tried to attack you last night! Both you and your attacker are bleeding and will die in 1 day unless healed.
Your abilities will bypass occupy immunity tonight.
Your abilities will also occupy player’s affected the following night.
You occupied [player].
You occupied everyone visiting [player].
You couldn’t occupy [player]. They are immune, visited a portal’s target or were empowered in some other way.
Royal Guard
[player] didn’t try to attack anyone last night.
[Player] tried to attack someone last night! Both you and [player] are bleeding and will die in 1 day unless healed.
You will watch [player]'s moves tonight.
You used Questionable Methods on [player].
You sentenced [player] to death.
You executed [player].
Bounty Hunter
Your target will be occupied through immunity tonight.
[player] will be prevented from visiting your target for the next two nights.
Your target will be immune to death tonight and no one will be able to vote them tomorrow.
You linked [player] and [player]'s souls.
[player] committed suicide.
[player] is able to kill at night!
[player] is not able to kill at night.
You forced [player] to target [player].
You cast a blessing on [player]. It will activate if they visit you tonight.
[player] did not require any healing
You healed [player].
[player] was poisoned, so you healed them.
You healed everyone visiting you last night.
Someone visiting you last night required healing.
Someone tried to attack you, but the attack was redirected to someone else.
Anyone that tries to heal you tonight will be immune to death, occupation and redirection.
You redirected everyone visiting [player] into you. They were not notified.
No one visited you last night.
You killed everyone visiting you last night. You healed your poison/bleeding
You are allied to [faction].
You occupied [player].
You occupied every member of the [rival faction] visiting [player].
You couldn’t occupy [player]. They are immune, visited a portal’s target or were empowered in some other way.
You bribed [player]. They won’t be able to accuse anyone and will be forced to vote pardon for the rest of the day.
You made the Accused’s visits hidden last night.
You made [player] believe they were not occupied by the accused.
You forced a trial on the Accused!
The Accused visited [player] last night.
You made [player] believe they were occupied.
You will get a copy of the accused’s night chat at the end of the night.
You got a copy of the accused’s night chat:
(Here is an example. Note, prosecutor doesn’t get the names of the accused/lawyer instead just sees “Accused:” or “Lawyer:”)

Lawyer: Occupy Psychoneirik tonight.
Accused: Ok, will do.


Queen (Can be Golden Dragon, Cult, Unseen or Neutral)
Mastermind/Cult Leader
Assassin/Random Cult
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon OR Random Neutral
Random Golden Dragon OR Random Neutral
Random Golden Dragon OR Random Neutral
Random Neutral
Random Neutral
Random Neutral
Neutral Killer OR The Count

:crown: Queen

  1. Memesky
  2. Marluxion
  3. Pug :crown:
  4. Firekitten
  5. NuclearBurrito
  6. Htm The Count. Dayviged D3.
  7. Blizer
  8. Vulgard Bounty Hunter. Died N1.
  9. Twi1light Royal Guard. Sacrificed D3.
  10. Hippolytus Gravekeeper. Died N1.
  11. Marcus_Doodalee
  12. PokemonKidRyan Mage. Died N2.
  13. Celeste_Ludenberg
  14. Sam17z Prosecutor. Lynched D2.
  15. light_ethos
  16. Lightsin
  17. Maximus prime
  18. PoisonedSquid
  19. boss110

@memesky @Marluxion @Pug just want to confirm your pre-ins








Obligatory question: What results does this gamemode have?


Because, I mean… we have to evolve.


/sign up as John



The fact the class cards in the linked thread are not in alphabetical order lowkey triggers my OCD

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it feels weird having sfols that I genuinely really wanna join

Kinda similar situation I have with FM. :thinking:

What makes you want to join a fm :thinking:

Just make an interesting gamemode or setup then I might join. Lel

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oh wait


I might be a wee bit antsy here, but can we blacklist anyone who is in both the EFoL and SFoL26 please?

Wait why?