SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

If you signed up but dont see your name on the list, ping me

It’ll be a pain in the dick to reroll this if i miss a signup


inb4 the revenge of hippo 2 :^)


@Marluxion Protagonist, please search through the list of roles that might appear and rate my own class, “Margaret.”

@Marluxion you forgot my name in the list ')


I have the feeling we are going to have 2-3 NK`s simply because we have 29 people.

ITA’S!!! Hopefully

Dude i was thinking the same thing

maybe i will final die night one this time :thinking:
(totally not a bait) (i didn’t get hunter ok?)


Nah hippo

I want to join if it is still avalaible but i never played this before.

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You shall have fun!

Count me in then.Let’s play

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Don’t it’s a trap!

Lies and Slander

Why it would be trap

I’m about to force someone else hold on

warning; Grand Idea may contain memes


So it is dangerous

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There are 30 people now with you in it and there is about 600 player created classes that will be chosen from