SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

@Blizer all praise frost right?

At this point, why not.

How I got in this situation is beyond your comprehension, puny mortals.

Appease me with offers unlike this ungrateful mortal and I won’t make repeat of Egypt’s Fall.

My only hope to actually help this game is to make it pass today. And frost may help me

Yay all praise frost

Don’t praise Frost

Guys don’t praise him

Why not? He seems like a nice god.

Hes the egotistical god wannabee aka can only target you if you praise him

I think that frost is a lovely god who derserves all the offers he can get.

:cake: :cookie: :ice_cream:

Your insatiable desire to defy and your lack of vision will be undoing by my faithful servants.

I am too good to vote you.

I guess this is the end of the AA cult and the start of the Frost cult

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I call the servants…

The Cubs.

That is a great name

Hmmm yes, purry kitty cat.

Since when did I taste vanilla ice cream again…

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Praise our Lord.

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  • Turn this into a meme game
  • You have no other choice

0 voters

You can’t accuse the mighty frost.

It’s beyond your power.

/vote frost

No! Don’t vote him! He is teh frost.

@Icibalus @Alice please just give me a day to prove myself. You won’t regret it.