SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Are you pointing the finger at me again?

What are you going to do “Oh look, it’s the mighty wolf god Frost so I banish him to the void - what are you gonna do?”


So Frost is the terrible God God

And can’t hurt me at all

Firekitten have made his request.

So how about yours?

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I request the death of Frostwolf and the poisoning of Icibalus.

Well can god be killed ?

Of course

They can’t be killed but to can prob slice them into tiny pieces and throw them into the deepest pit.

Don’t do that.

You think I attacked you did I? Heh, why would I do that?

Oh I know u didn’t attack me cuz u weak

If you are healer, then expect worse day of your life.

So request granted.

I mean you gave everyone chance to kill god.Why not ?

Healer? Pfft nah.

No no no. Gods have death death immunity.

Well i am healer but i stay neut in all this

:clap: Heal Ici

Lol like memesky wants to be king king

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Why ici ?

Cuz Bastard hosts united