SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

All my abilities are cryptic, because they doesn’t tell what they do - only names.

Well surely you can find something that helps me no?

But using common sense and bit of ‘google’ search, I will unravel secrets of the abilities.

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I see.I wondering is there any class to poison someone in Fol ?

theyve all been replaced by bleeding

Except for the butler.

Bleeding works to me confirm myself

i just came back, whats going on?

Basically I’m praising frost to help me.

All praise frost.

Replaced Nightshade Wine with Shrapnel Wine.

Nothing important


Can you Unvote me and let see if any immune people die?

Nothing much, I told terrifying revelation what I can do but doesn’t know what actually does.

But mr frost do you think you could help me :slight_smile:

And kitten wants me to bomb squid

im fine with that, squid has been acting scum like.

Hmm? Sure Sure, but hey I am not your servant but keep offering me with food and I will give you what you need.

But be warned, some abilities may yield results that I do not anticipate.

:ice_cream: :cookie:

Yeah i have ability to bomb but i would like to go for way i would live