SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Accused Voters Count
PoisonedSquid Techwolves 1/17
Margaret PoisonedSquid, Livicus 2/17
Firekitten Icibalus, Sarun, Captain, Memesky :crown:, Shurian, psychoneirik, Solic, htm, Marcus, Hippolytus 11/17
Shurian Boss110 1/17
Frostwolf103 Margaret 1/17

This is funny for a reason I won’t mention btw.

Even if I’m playing badly I still have the power of confirming at least 1 evil in a list of three.

And I know those results would be right.

/vote Margaret

Guys I do think fire is prolly town, lynch Celeste.

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btw were are the people you blackmailed into joining this?

the fact that they seemed eager to play yet haven’t appeared nowhere makes me think they might have rolled scum

or they just lost interest

I think every time I blackmail someone into joining they don’t appear because they forgot about this. :frowning:

I was at Summerfest for a few hours, please summarize what happened

Well congrats on dying tonight.

But I don’t want to die :sob:

Alot of shit went down tbh.

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I’m sorry but till you convice us you aren’t fool your dead.


I didn’t read the last 2000 post someone summarise it for me

fk is acting like scum but claims he can confirm themselves if we “let them live for 1 more night” which seems kinda susp. Also Hippo claims death immune role but thats probably a bluff so they aren’t attacked n1 like always. Captain claims to be a survivor of some kind.

also Im sure others might have claimed or softed already but I forgot

I’m gonna probably take a little nap cause the heat attacked me and made me super tired rip

Comes here and says what happens.
Wonders why they are going to die tonight. Answers. Squid:I’m going bye

What happened here btw? I was sorta busy

Also we should probably collect the claims in a post


So Fucking much to go over.

Fk is in trouble right now after putting out posts that were pretty scummy, and Ici took aim at him and has been death tunneling, while Squid has death tunneled Celeste over her D1 shit posting. Frost is god, FK can potentially proven. Tech is a knight and many people will die tonight. With All BD having Fool passive, myslynching buys scum time to coordinate and plan out how they want to play the game.