SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

its not against the rules though and im sure it benefits us more than it benefits scum.

Are you saying you want to mass claim?

If so your dead tonight

Im not against it

someone is going to murder you

if that happens everyone pls mass claim in my honor

No mass claims.

Ill let this storm happen in a couple hours
Im going to mow the lawn and clean the bathroom, i will be back in an hour.

See? you are acting weird. You are usually in favor of mass claims :thinking:

No. I have learned in the error of my ways from last game.

There is no Investigative class called God

When did I claim god?

It’s on the claim list. What do you claim then if anything?

Oh wait. That’s frost

frostwolf is the one that claims “god” whatever that class is

Who even is this person btw?


I mean who’s the actual person

this shit seems op

Little Mole (Night): Get a list of three remaining players (or as many as possible), aside from yourself. At least one will not have the ability to win with the Blue Dragon. - Infinite uses.

if spamlitten says the truth we could massclaim + use this to gamesolve in just a few days

Exactly except the mass claim part.

(Stop calling me spamkitten :frowning: )

you have to earn that right

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