SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I see :b:

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eats popcorn I wish I have a post restriction

Is this giving up that your fool?

I’m not saying boi

I know for :b:ertain that Litten doesn’t have :b:ost restriction

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And you mean :b:oi?

“I am a poet,
And I didn’t even know-it”

Cause he claims a class based off my character from A New World

What do they even do?

She was the Ultimate Ice Cream Maker who became the protagonist of the RP and was also the Mastermind’s mole for a little bit. She ended up going insane and her love interest died at the end, so she’s gonna be edgier in the sequel.

Tbh I would believe that was made up if I didn’t have the ice cream ability.

Whamm made another class based off MaximusPrime’s character: Ryan Bryne. He was the Ultimate Explorer and was the official leader of the group, but the Mastermind made him insane and caused him to kill and torture Dama’s character: Alfinata Yusuf. Once he was found out, he tortured himself to death.

What kind of sick thing is this roleplay.

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Ask Whamm that, not me

@Htm may you please Unvote me?

Sure but why

Okay every day I’m alive I present to BD a three player list. One which is always scum.

I want to actually be helpful :crying_cat_face:

But how?

One of my abilities allows me to do it.

Im not going to unvote FK or say I believe him. But if he says the truth then scum would want him out asap since that ability can screw them up really badly. So, if we assume that Firekitten is telling the truth then someone in their wagon has to be scum.