SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

(take away the emoji from that sentence) hehe

Fuck. You may be right.

I actually pro :b:ably shouldn’t

Didn’t use emoji. totally didn’t just clip some of it out.

And Shurian how come your :b:ost restriction is 10 times more relaxed than mine that’s :b:S

*Isn’t scum. And we are giving him a night to confirm himself.

Blame whoever made your class lol

so celeste final give up huh? good

I looked and saw :b:arl made mine

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:b: couldnt you just put the b at the beginning and the actual post after so its easier to read?

:heart: for @Insanity

fuck. Memesky is King?

Nah I’m having way :b:ore fun like this :b:ro

Yeah do we really need a king tho?

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Please don’t let Meme try to sheep on me and lynch me pls

Fuck you Im the swearer around here now

You aren’t australian so you can’t be the fucking swearer lol

still waiting on you evidence

Dont worry, hes trying to lynch FK, your safe for now

He’s sheeping on me and lynching me. He’s trying to lynch a psychic who can confirm himself at night.

I don’t think he’s a very good king tbh.