SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

although its easier for new players to scumslip… :smiling_imp:

so /vote NAO

I would scumslip easy all the fucking time
If I was scum

also there is a chance that the inactive people have some kind of post restriction like with the “passive” classes

1 Like

What if i dont have debt? :3

evil king, told u all

Yeah u got me

I don’t have a post drawback per se, but I must do something/s once per day.

I might or might not be neut king :thinking:

Was reading then read this abt around 1550 and stopped reading

After the first 1550 posts kindve think you are scum, with your posts and my gut.

/vote Marcus


Forgot i had a vote XD


Can you at least ISO instead of pure gutreads pls and thank you.


The /quote most balanced class in FoL /unquote

It’s not a gut read from the posts I read it seems you are scum

Game plan

  • Massclaim
  • First option

0 voters

And you’ve picked nothing else up except that “Marcus is scum”?

you gut are wrong last time, also this is !scum/neut sam

This a little unnecessary imo.

Damnit my plan is ruined