SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Why don’t citizens try claiming powerful roles. That seems like the most fun you can do. Try to get yourself killed :thinking:
(I want citizen so I can do this)

I mean like i said i was getting cs’ed anyway to prove kitten and i am expandeble for bd’s crimes.So why the hell i would help bd here ? I was decided to be cs’ed after i claimed alch

You make a very solid point of this. Marcus is on my scum lean rn at the moment. I would also like to point out, that he has been siding with boss and boss has been defending him. Im not sure what that means, but i have sus on both of them.


@psychoneirik I don’t like your vote and leave mechanic on me. Can we please here more from you and explain why you voted me?

Thats a bad idea. It gives scum license to fake claim and get away with it even if caught. And if an invest class you out then you have just caused a misslynch.


Either Marcus + Boss scum team or a Marcus pocket Boss and Boss is the VI who got pocketed

Also it draws protectives away from the real PR’s

I could see either tbh. Boss also claimed to having a dayvig, but would not really use it on Celeste, who earlier with her posts, asked for a dayvig to be used on her, but stated later to have one and didnt want to use it.

Is it just me or does this seem like an extra thing to add onto the wall-post to make it look more like a proper pbpa? Mostly I really like this post in terms of how it reflects upon Sam’s allignment (even if I don’t agree with a lot of the points made), but it feels a bit weird to me. Here’s the other example of "thing which is impossible to disagree with being put in there

Overall though I’m feeling Sam is town at the moment.


So @NAOtheRitualist hi friend. I heard you have a day ability.

/Vote Nao

How did you figure that?

He basically slipped earlier.

Where? I haven’t even seen him post

Ok then i found who i am taking down with me

Also isn’t a day ability NAI?

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Hopefully it’s not me

Yeah he messed up.

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Nope not you that i can say

Saurn is killing you tonight :man_facepalming: