SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!


Hey, guys, I’m bored. Someone scumslip / give me a dayvig / start ITAs / start a wish granting session (delete whatever is innappropriate) so I have a reason to bother playing this game beyond night.


yo frost who should we kill tonight


I don’t care? Why asking a god that won at start of the game.

/vote margaret for claiming alch and wanting an alch dead

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/vote captain

Heya fucking returds. Lets just lynch someone, any fucking body. I dont care who it is, as long as we can get info.


Accused Voters Count
Margaret PoisonedSquid, Captain 2/17
Firekitten Solic 1/17
Icibalus Damafaud 1/17
Captain Sarun, Margaret, Pug, htm, Marcus_Doodalee, Eevee, Munstrish 7/17
Sam17z PsychoNeirik, Frostwolf103 2/17
Marcus_Doodalee Sam17z, Hippolytus, Icibalus 3/17
Memesky Livicus 1/17

we are really spread

does that make sense

don’t think we can convice 16 people to lynch someone D1, i still want to lynch celeste but oh well

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Someone has working process.



Why would we ever not lynch? Is it because we cannot reach an informed consensus before the end of day?

That’s generally what we’re saying. Blame marl for thinking Majority only in a 34p would EVER be a good idea EVER.


There is too many people to actually vote on one person properly and that everyone has different ideas and reads on everybody that we wont reach a clear consensus day 1


I just want my results.

/nolynch poor captain :frowning:

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Marcus should be our Lynch today in all honesty. I disagree with no lynching because it tells us no information. So Bd should vote !arcus instead of no lynching thanks

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Instead of just saying we won’t get majority out these votes on Marcus and let’s actually do something