SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I kinda figured that after saying let’s lynch ask questions later

I think he’s a death immune BD? not sure though. I’ll have to check the thread again.

FK claims Uzu and that he switched death immunity off tonight, hence why Tech will CS captain, which is a dubious plan at best

i don’t like how this got pardon really quick, it just my gut thought

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If you don’t like it tell which pardon voter you don’t like.

At this point, people are afraid of losing lynching power tmrw, including if FK is telling the truth, we can find scum tonight and it will be for sure accurate. I mean if you actually have a dayvig and HTM has a dayvig, we can afford a potential myslynch today, if invests find scum and tell us this info tmrw, you and HTM can kill them, which can be huge.

Why can’t you just use a dayvig now if we’re not lynching anyone?

someone is getting lynched today. Whoever has the most votes, and is not on trial will get automatically executed.

And we also cant nolynch today and tmrw. someone is forced to die today and tmrw no matter what.

how is his claim believable? posting dama pasta is not that hard

just squid acting like scorned

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I don’t think you can dayvig during a trial

Guilty this honestly, I really hate all these pardons for little reason.

so captain is assassin or alch?

I’d prefer we get captain today. Hippo you might as well claim seeing as you’ve already claimed death immunity

Im not sure. If he is assassin, it gives less credibility to Fk`s claim.

Hippo doesn’t need to claim and we do not want a mass claim. Doing so will result in a execute.

But I thought we’re not in a trial

@Marluxion Are we in the middle of a trial?

I mean I understand. Psychic roles are very easy to fake. I mean you basically can get so many mislynches.
But if I get like. Ici blitzer or Sarun are evil or something You know I’m lying.

Again, I don’t like how hippo has brushed off what mislynching today will mean. Sure scum won’t be able to make a play but that doesn’t mean they’ll have less of an influence. Plus it will mean the inactives will have to hop on

except here’s the prob
i can confirm fire k
on my own abils

except here’s the thing
i need cap alive for now
so no cs-ing

but captain just claim to be assassin? also unseen game?