SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Hmm never seen eeves before

I did. No idea why both Captain and Squid are still alive. I’d understand if someone occupied/prevented either me or techwolves, but for us to both be simultaneously occupied is just extremely unlikely.

If Captain did SS and not die, then this means that Firekitten did not use his ice cream party and that Squid is likely also night immune.

To be fully honest, I want answers from Firekitten.


Eeveelutions Special

Time to evolve (passive) - Upon succesful converting someone via “Baby-Doll Eyes” chose one of eeveelutions. You become that class.
Substitute (passive) - Immune to death.
Baby-Doll Eyes (night) - Convince someone to join the eevee family. Works on ALL BD classes, bypassing conversion immunity. They will be converted into an eevee. - infinite, 1-night faction wide cd
Charm (night) - Chose two players. Actions they use on the other one will always fail. Lasts till the end of game. - infinite
Baton-Pass (day) - Swap roles of 2 players. Works only if they are SAME faction. - 1 use


Eeveelutions Offensive

Too many eeveelutions - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Fire Fang (night) - Bite a player, killing them. Bypasses healings.

Smog (night) - Chose a player, everyone visiting them will lose theirs way in the smog and target random other player instead.
Overheat (day) - Overheat the target and yourself, making your votes count as 0 today. (Still shows correctly on votecount).


Eeveelutions Investigative

Too many eeveelutions - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Bite (night) - Bite a player, killing them. Bypasses night immunity.

Dream eater (night) - Chose a player, you will get 3 numbers - 1 real and 2 random, representing a number of a class in GIM thread. Does not count as visit.
Confussion (day) - Chose a player, if they try to use day ability today, it will target themself. You will know what ability they tried to use.


Eeeveelutions support

Too many eeveelutions - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Leaf Blade (night) - Cut the player, killing them. Disables visit preventions on that person.

Synthesis (night) - Target a fellow eeveelution. They will be seen as random BD to all investigatives.
Wish (day) - Start a wish granting session. You cannot grant a wish froma fellow eeveelution. - 2 uses

Pokemon Trainer

Neutral ofensive (eeveelutions hardcounter)

Gotta catch them all (Night) - Throw a pokeball at someone. If they are pokemon, they will die next night. You are not informed when that succeded. They are informed they were caught.
Pokedex scan (Day) - Learn the exact class type of a player - 1 day cooldown
Winner instinct (Day) - Learn what evolved pokemons are alive in game - 1 use.

Goal: Eliminate all the pokemons!

Use only with eeveelutions.


Eeveelutions Offensive

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Water Gun (night) - Shoot the player, killing them. Cannot be redirected/occupied.

Acid armor (night) - Redirect 1 or 2 players at you. You are immune to all effects of this visits for toonight. (But not next night, aka killing from hardcounter).
Muddy water (day) - All players will be able to target only one higher/lower on the rolelist tonight. This is anounced at the night start. Counts as redirection. - 2 uses


Eeveelution support

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Feint Attack (night) - Attack the player, killing them. Does not count as visit. (still can be redirected tho)

Assurance (night) - Replace target’s night results with one of your choice.
Dark Pulse (day) - Chose 2 players, you will learn what night results they got. - 2 uses


Eeveelution offenssive

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Ice Fang (night) - Bite the player, killing and occupying them.

Blizzard (night) - Freeze a player and all visitors, occupying them and preventing from using day abilities tommorow. - 2 uses
Mirror Coat (day) - Tonight all actions used on you will be reflected back to users. - 1 use


Eeveelution special

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Best pokemon (passive) - Only @eevee can become Sylveon.

Synchronoise (night) - Use nighty ability of any other eeveelution - 1 night cooldown
Charm (day) Use day ability of any other eeveelution - 1 night cooldown

Either way, from the looks of it the Unseen seems to have been pretty much destroyed and now this pretty much leaves us with the Eevees and the 2 NKs still lose.


/vote Firekitten

We had two likely night-immune CS targets last night and neither of them died, and to add we had one of the Knights flip BD so there’s essentially little wiggle room for you here. Care to explain why neither of them are dead?

Wtf happened

Since Icibalus is dead and Rogue was the only dead killing role, then I imagine that Rogue tried to kill him and ended up dying to the On Fire Passive. HTM probably died to a role who bypasses night immunity, which confirms their existence in the game as FK is not Uzu. We’ll also know Simon’s killer today as since they visited him they’ll have to speak in poems, limericks, and haikus.

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Wait did we just end one scum team

The original assassin died D1, the convert gone assassin died N1. The MM died N1. No place for any more convertsss wooo

But that faction’s MM would be the Mashetermind not shrek 5

Boi Shrek 5 is named Mastermind

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And there can only be two scum factions


By having Pokemon Trainer, its a confirmed Eevee team so Shrek has to be of scum team 1

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Then the only logical solution here is

/vote Eevee


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Scum Team 1 - The Shrek Unseen is DEAD.
Scum Team 2 - The Eeveeloutions is ALIVE. Proven by the death of the “Pokemon Trainer” the Hard-Counter.

Okay but in all seriousness maybe we pressure @eevee

Lol no, we kinda need eevee to figure out a way to take down her own invention

eevee is a he

And if eevees spawned, that also means either Celeste or Margaret spawned :thinking:

Same thing idc about genders