SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Out of the 3 from Fk`s list if you believe his claim, which one do you think is scum based off reads.

I’m still debating something. Did marl give me 3 people who can win BD? Because all checks show up as blue dragon right?

Read your class card again, maybe it will give you the info you need.

Oh it doesn’t check for if they are blue dragon just checks if they can win with it.


I have shown my good side, I might as well use evil incarnination.

But frost. I have :cake: :cookie: :ice_cream:

Livicius better beg for mercy.

If Celeste is telling the truth, boss is 100% scum then.

I’m thinking about it this way. Celeste claims merc. Either her target isn’t BD. Or boss is scum.

Again, biggest thing is if Boss can Day vig or not. If he cant then hes scum, simple.

Are we talking about vanilla Mercenary?

Yes sir! I think

Unless hes NK with day vig.

Then it goes down to 50/50

Well honestly I have a feeling Celeste won’t tell us her target now. I think she may have them in her logs so it’s in our best interest for them to do it as soon as possible.

I doubt she will be on me for the sake of balance.

I mean yeah that is a free win lol.

But since I already won the game, what’s the point for the merc to protect if I am visit-immune.

what is happening

Day vig Celeste fast. She may have her targets in her log.