SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Not much, some citizen became innocent child thanks to me.

You Came up in Fk`s check along wtith celeste and Sarun. Day Vig squid please, shes confirmed fool.

So what if he’s on the check? It’s useless.

Its not. It doesn’t check if they are BD It checks if they can win with BD.

They will be still shown as BD.

Just wanted to check btw. How does your ability work exactly?

I get a list of three people each night one who can’t win with BD.


Like is it 2 BD 1 scum?

I think there is always one scum but there can be multiple.

Ok then. Do we have any particular reason to think it isn’t Sharun btw?

can i say one thing? i am really sorry but i am dumb citizen name max that don’t have dayvig, i already soft this class alot of time and at the same time FPS that i “may or may not have dayvig”

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Well then. Shit.

also rowlet is better than litten btw

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He seems BD because he has been helpful + he already claimed he’s a vig. I could give more reasons but.

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Hes been acting town and tried to kill Squid last night, but squid used Hide so he couldnt kill her. Squid is also Fool, so we ignore her at this point.

Got it

But as I mentioned before, my ability I used last night makes checks useless if all shows BD REGARDLESS what they actually are - even frames are negated.

But would FK’s ability negate that one?

But FK used his day ability, which makes checks 100% clean fool.
