SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Maximus is a second Poet claim. He’s been speaking in haikus since d1.

I tend to ignore maxs posts so I didn’t notice.

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I was in jail, looks like the Prince didn’t listen to the plan, but hey, at least I’m still here

People are thinking you are fool who hided btw

unless prince outs himself and admits it, i dont believe that for a second. even if you were jailed, you would have been executed because of how you have been acting.

Not a poet here
Can any of you read lol
I hate haikus ugh

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it may be a bastard prince who can’t exe

Wasn’t Ici a prince too ? How many prince can be alive but still I don’t believe squid

Why would prince jail poison too.Poison was going to cs’ed same as me

Could be. I still have trouble believing squid was jailed and just hid.

But I can’t hide cause I’m not a fool! I was actually in jail last night!

Either way, I really want Nuke to be put up. If he’s really the Eevee then not only are we going to cripple the second evil faction but I have a very good feeling on who one of his scumpartners may be.

This just screams “Hi, i am a fool/scum and i admit it”

Agreed, if hes eevee then we have a good chance to narrow down people very quickly.

/vote Celeste or Margaret whatever I need to make sure she’s dead after all

We’re probably going to vote her after Nuke. FK may be Uzu after all and has a lead that puts either her or Boss as scum.

The only possible prince is nk prince

Also why we voting nuke

Hippo got a scum lead on him from his invest ability.

Or whatever he had