SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Who u invest if ur investigator then lol


Guess I’m not being bleed :3

Hold that thought though we did expose Tech and Sarun as the two Knights, and technically speaking, there should only have been 4 kills last night

what if Someone controlled Tech into killing Simon?

He’s either: Mario Odyssey, Danganronpa Roleplayer or Pattern Breaker


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Oh you claim 171

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But the bigger question is why investigate a player who isn’t saying anything at all instead of Litten, in which we could’ve confirmed his claim?

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His claim was already being confirmed without me. Plus I was thinking someone with a faction check would do it and be more efficient.

Also this way I can confirm myself independently

Fair enough

@light_ethos can you conform Nuke’s claim

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No, and if he does confirm it ethos is also scum.

cuz burrito is eevee

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Then you won’t have a problem with him answering

Except I know without a doubt you are Eevee, and I don’t know what other eevees exist or what other info you have or who your buddy is.

If you don’t hang burrito today hang me so he can be locked down tonight as confirmed eevee.

So are you even going to claim.

No because once you are hung I’m confirmed as pro-town and I’d rather not have other evils know my exact class.

3 more ppl get here and vote nuke pls.

And until I am you need to confirm that your accusation is valid.

I have claimed and given a method of confirmation. Where is your confirmation? Why should anyone trust you over me?