SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

So, complete my objective and I will help you all

Tbh, I looked first 115 roles in the class thread and didn’t find anythign really matching.

Look a few roles after 115

:popcorn: Waiting for realization

Say my name, Eevee

Mass Claimer?


…… NO! Geez

How hard is it to figure out who I am?!

Why would she be the mass claimer, if she was agansit claming for the past couple days.

Let me give you the hints again:
I kill people but I’m not a killer
I’m a Neut
My role is slighty similar to another
I said a part of my class once

um guys
do you need me to bleed anyone cos im feeling a bit useless right now

You can if you want… but a much faster method like a dayvig is easier, don’t you think?

185 so far and still no idea, lol.

…… Just shoot me


I just noticed that after number 190 comes 166 :thinking:

i have a feeling someone will suicide today…

I hope Muns has a dayvig, cause it would be good to use it right now

i have a daybleed
it kills in 2 nights