SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

In short, I don’t see you fully confirmed, but nor do I see you as a candidate for NK as well.

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@Blizer - who did you check n1?

Let me check logs quickly.

I checked Solic, but Frost made it so every faction check would come up as BD that night, so im not even sure for that.

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@Munstrish - closest to confirmed BD is Livicious or me.

Unless anyone has any dayconfirmable ability.

I mean Livi revealed as innocent child (vanilla town one)

i mean i am confirmed :slight_smile:

my dayconfirmable ability was the bleed which i did on squid

I assumed you asked about anyone else then you.

.+ You bled someone so far. I guess there might be some scum classes wich can bleed, but you are highly okay.

what is ur claim?

(i forgot)

Anyways, here are me reads from all current players.

  1. PoisonedSquid (Heavy Scumlean/Fool) - As I said before, Poisoned is most likely a Fool-like or Scorned-like class with Celeste as her target. If she were BD she’d have gotten off her wagon and full-claimed as a defense when Blitzer and I put pressure on her, and she can’t be scum as no scum would play so recklessly as she is doing right now. Foolsochist claim.
  2. MaximusPrime (Null) - Extremely inactive for my tastes. I am unsure of his personal meta or whatnot, so I’m marking this as a null read as this could in part be due to his post restrictions. 50/50 on scum with Dama due to FK’s vision.
  3. Damafaud (Null) - Hasn’t really done much aside from jumping on FK’s wagon. Voted Marcus, but only because he claimed cit, so yeah. 50/50 on scum with Maxi due to FK’s vision.
  4. Memesky (Scumlean) - Playing too much as a scumvivor as in wanting to keep the scummy Alchemist claim alive despite him claiming that he’s going to revenge bomb BD. I’d suggest killing Memesky off as soon as possible as he’s way too scummy for my tastes and his removal would help BD in the long run.
  5. Whammerist (Null) - Only two damn posts in the entire thread, and one of them was the joining one.
  6. Boss110 (Slight Townlean) - Pressured Squid and Celes. Along with Ici and Bliz he’s probably in my nomation for most townleaning player right now. The caveat here is that he was somewhat buddying with Marcus with the early dayvig stunt or attacking Sam, albeit I honestly doubt that any experienced player such as Boss would buddy with scum from the same faction while playing as scum. Later claimed a cit. My guess here is depending on FK’s class that Boss is either the NK or a genuine Cit. 50/50 on scum with Marg due to FK’s vision.
  7. Margaret (Neutral) - I’m having a hard time getting past her shitposting. Though, I genuinely think she’s a neut. 50/50 on scum with Boss due to FK’s vision.
  8. Sarun (Me)
  9. Frostwolf103 (Dreaming God) - All there is to be said has been said.
  10. Firekitten (Village Idiot) - Played too cautiously to be town at the start of the RVS, then started randomly deflecting accusations against him and whatnot. His entire posting history with Ici was essentially one accidental self-incrimination after another. I’m still suspicious of his overall attitude as it goes against his town self-meta, albeit this is FK and he does play selfishly regardless if he’s town or not. Claims Uzu.
  11. Blizer (Heavy Townlean) - Kind of in the same place as Boss110 was. He’s been pressuring scummy players such as Marcus, Squid, and FK so far so it’d say this is a very strong town tell. Claims parity cop.
  12. Sam17z (Slight Townlean) - Managed to successfully out Marcus and get him executed. IMHO Sam is a bit of a mixed bag here as he was focused far too much on Marcus and didn’t bother to defend himself. This is a multiball game, so Sam may be town or could as well be a member of another scum faction or even a NK.
  13. Munstrish (Townlean) - Posts a shit ton of fluffing and sheeping, but since this is a new player I’d imagine we can leave him until later. Otherwise we should policy lynch them if out of suspects. Since he bled Squid he’s fine with me right now. Somewhat proven as Despacito.
  14. Eevee (Neutral/Slight Scumlean) - In short, most of their posts focus around their gimmicky class rather than genuine scumhunting. I’d say this would likely fall under fluffing except for the fact that there isn’t much activity here. Thought the fact that Blizer checked him as BD makes me less suspicious of him.
  15. Solic (Slight Townlean) - Post more. Has some good propositions such as how the Fool passive shouldn’t hurt us much due to the amount of vigs we have, other than that I can’t analyze nothing as he only has six posts.
  16. psychoneirik (Townlean) - Has a decent number of content in his posts and seems to have BD-aligned intentions in mind such as the overall benefit that not lynching Captain would bring to town or wanting to pressure inactives d1.
  17. LightEthos (Null) - Claims a binary class but has very few posts. Should be a good target to pressure, to be honest.
  18. MTheJoker (Null) - Same as above.
  19. Shurian (Neutral) - Fucking sheeps like shit. Shurian isn’t fucking putting any new shit on the damn table and is only following other player a-fucking-round. To add, most their fucking shit are only profanity-laced fucking fillers that don’t add shit to the fucking discussion.
  20. Livicus (Heavy Townlean) - Automatically confirmed from Frostwolf103’s ability.

I’d imagine MTheJoker, LightEthos, and Wham are going to get modkilled from inactivity, so right now ignore them.

I’d like more analysis from Shurian to be honest, so far I don’t see him doing much.

I get it I need to change


yeh about my sheeping i dont know how to read properly so if someone makes a good point i agree with i just go with it

At this point, we have 4 people to choose from for lynching, and half of them are scum. If Celeste is telling the truth of her being the alch/phys class, then Boss is scum. If shes lying, then she is scum. Same thing with Dama and Max

Wait Dama claimed cit?

no marcus did

No, Dama voted Marcus after Marcus claimed cit. Dama is an investigative class if my memory serves me right.

Oh i messed up the wording there, MB.