SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!


Can you pardon max please, we need to get him off the stand.

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Why do I sense a backfire

Are we putting Celeste on the stand? It would seem like an obvious choice after Sam revealed that htm visited Celeste N1, and Celeste was making a big effort to say that Unseen were completely dead on Day 2

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Cause at that point, We actually believed unseen to be dead yesterday, until this bastard mechanic was revealed to us. I want to hear when this check or scout came from n1 or n2, cause that will determine my decision on this.

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we did believe so but Celeste was making quite the emphasis on one faction being dead and the other being alive


that entire area of the thread

Okay livi, I had no knowing that marl threw a bastard at me

Because we honestly believed that unseen was dead at that point, you cant say you you disagreed with her there. Right now, we are in a very bad situation though, because potentialy 1/3 of the town tmrw is scum.


In addition, every town has the fool passive so fucking rip

okay fair enough

I guess what we should be reminded is that this is full of bastards

Marl told me this would be lesser bastard or no bastard at all :frowning:

okay then what we should do here is call our witness to the stand

@Sam17z please testify


Do you believe that we should hang boss, because i fucking do not believe his cit claim at all, and quite honestly even shurians at this point of time.

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Wait can there be more than one scum within your check?

There only has to be one in my check. There can be multiple though

That potentially means that both boss and celeste are scum. Does your check come after or before conversions?

Pretty sure converison always happen after checks.

That means even if celeste was converted or not, the check happend before the converstion. That makes boss 100% scum then if thats the case.


If he flips Unseen, I’m saved