SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I have to…

And remember, inactives will get mod killed at the end of the day, so dont go pressuring inactives.

Memesky i swear to god, do not do this. We have alot of shit we need to go over still and if you do this, you will get hanged tmrw if he flips scum.

I have to i got my reasons

Motherfucker do not do this.

For the love of god, please. We need to coordinate a game plan for tonight, or we will be running around like headless chickens.

I’m sorry little one.

This is a terrible play probably

Well, if hes scum, then im ok with it. But it is still really risky to do this. But, I cant control your actions here and this is your choice.

What are chances he is pally

Incredibly fucking low. Honestly he probs is the scum.

Do it if you must.

But which one

Your choice boi. I dont think you will reason with me here on this matter. You have the power, its your choice at the end of the day.

Do u think he’s nk?

Hes NK or eeveelution. The only reason i want to pardon this is because id rather hit confirmed scum and coordinate a good game plan. If you do this, the BD night vigs will come for your ass most likely.

Just asking,do bd vigs die if they hit gk?

I think they lose the vigs if they kill BD, but they dont die.

You see. My secondary goal is to kill prince with decide fate

Oh. your after the tyrant prince.

That’s why i pushed ici