SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I’m not too convinced but it is a high possibility: if we low-rolled, there’s only 5 of us left so everyone could be an enemy, and if we high-rolled, we still have majority with 7 BD

so likely a lot of people are scum, but not all are on the same side

and if we didn’t have 3 inactives, we would still be ahead on the board with 8 to 10 BD, still a clear majority either way

did you already use one time vig?

Two people claimed getting killed in jail.

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shoot celeste for me tonight :cake:

yeah but it doesn’t determine identity

you have 1 bleed left?


D2 is about Marcus and you basically had no choice at D3 which could have killed BD majority thanks to my I am Error ability.

what’re you saying? we killed Marcus Day 1

Oh I thought it was Day 2, who was lynched?

Never mind, I checked.


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nuke, he is espeon

Can confirm btw, that’s why I offered your candidacy in the first place.

Still, no one was expecting such bastard mechanic at D3 but the hints were there.

I don’t think Frost is very willing

Wait, the fuck? You are not bd dreaming god?

You kidding right?

I have no side.

What part of no winning condition didn’t you get?