SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!


Tbh each BD king has debt, not only starting one, right?

That means that if Livi becomes one, I can be still protected from conversion.
Works for me.


Im back sorry, there was a power outage on my whole city for around 8 hours so I couldn’t go online. Can someone tell me what is happening?

I’ve softed my role plenty of times already. Anyone that paid attention probably knew my role already. Im the court magician.

btw eevee can’t be the most recent convert, though he could be either starting scum or was converted d1, since I protected them last night and I don’t think the dreaming gods ability changed its target since its a day ability.

Then wtf is this then?

magical door

What is your card number?

Margaret you stay away from Livi.

It’s my creation.

Am I allowed to copy my class card here?


do it

These are my abilities:

Magical Barrier (Day) Make a player conversion immune tonight. 4 uses.
Magical Door (Night) Force anyone attacking your first target to attack the second instead. Notifies you if it redirects an attack.
Tornado (Night) Swap 2 players. Bypasses redirection immunity. 2 uses.

Im basically rework 2 from cw contest.
Also I have no idea what number my class is, I only got the card not the number.

if this is true, then everyone i put in my null section is scum.

can someone tell me what new info we got today? I dont really want to read 500+ posts if it can be avoided.

At this point, Me, Munstrich, Eevee, Liv, and Sarun are pretty much BD. Boss, Marg, and Max are confirmed scum, and Frost is God. Eeveelution faction most likely got a conversion off, which means half of us are scum. If you are BD, then that puts Sam, Solic, Shurian, and Dama in the scum section. We are also putting Liv up for king rn, as hes automatically confirmed BD.

@Blizer who did you check last night?

I checked Dama, but because of Frost, i went to someone else and got an NS check.

Also, since FK is proven has this been discussed already? Which are the most likely scum candidates from this list?

N1:Boss Celeste Sarun
N2:Dama Eevee Max