SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Munstrich is killing her. I remember that FK made invest results n1 100% accurate, so sam`s scout caught Marg.

I mean there’s a CHANCE I could’ve been converted but I’m not, and that could’ve only happened by eevees, not Unseen

and Sam’s scout?

He got an unseen check on Marg, and stated that his results came in, which basically means he soft claimed lazy sheriff who gets his results a day later. Basically he had a scout on marg N1 and got results N2/D3 that unseen visited her. This more than likely does confirms her as Unseen.

Oh, so Sam would be BD and Celeste would probably be MM, but Sam could’ve been converted or not, because N3 was bonkers

Yes, but im saying sam was the N1 eevee convert.

Hey, if u trust me, lynch sam if he said he got an unseen check on me

Again, it was not a check, because he used the scout. Remember Frost made faction checks irrelevant N1, because everyone would look BD that night. Again, with him being lazy sheriff, any results he got would come in a day later, which is why D3 he accused you of being unseen, because he got his scout results in. Aswell why i think sam is the n1 eevee convert is because of his personality shift from d1 compared to today, along with how he was strangly silent d2, and then only comes in d3 to bring forth his results, and then he goes away. D1, he caught marcus in his fake cit claim and of how he was acting in general. Now the same thing is happening again, this time to sam, as he shifted the way he has been playing and acting towards this situation in general and how unhelpful he has been when it comes to scum hunting.


It’s not Max visited Squid but my target (unknown) visited Squid and is visited by Max

ok then. We need Max then to confirm who he visited, cause this is either NK or Eeveelution.

@MaximusPrime Who did you visit last night?

Wait Dumb question, everyone was randomized when visiting people. Fuck me…

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Question, who were you originally going to watch last night?

Blizer who did you initially choose?

I said Dama, but as everyone else, i was redirected to someone and got NS.

okay, so we rule out that you did not check Dama

pretty much. Atm who do you believe more Dama or psycho, because half our town is scum and at this point, these are the only two that are believable imo.

I’m more likely to believe Dama but we’ll have to see

I never claimed sheriff. Thanks livicus for questioning blizer’s use of my scout which I never had. All I said is that Htm attempted to convert Celeste N1

Honestly, I will have to go deeper into the Eevee read but if Eevee is assasin idc right now we have bigger fish to fry.