SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Then why do you know htm visited Marg?

Because of reasons

Also I think if we don’t have any really scummy targets we could lynch solic. I feel he is a safe Lynch especially with his Town motivation

No, not because of reasons. We need your claim now. Half of the court is Scum and your claim will help narrow down who is lying or not.

We have one target today: the new Eevee, if finding whoever that is becomes impossible, lynching Celeste is our next best bet

If eevee got convert off last night, we just need to kill an eeveelution, as they cant convert tonight. So lynching an eeveelution in general is good today.

Lynching an Eevelutiom is better than lynching mm? That logic is flawed imo

Eeveelution has 4 members dude. Unseen either have 1 or 2. Mathematically speaking, isnt it better to lynch an eeveelution today :thinking:

And you questioning about not lynching one is fucking scummy.

A) Don’t call me dude.
B) When you try to correct someone at least be right. You are clearly wrong. Maybe YOU need to read the thread


IMO mm > a member of the Eevee’s.

That’s 2 lies, right now you are being incredibly scummy trying to feed mis information

Interesting isnt it, reading the thread :thinking:

And this is why you read the thread “dude”

Marl responded to this.

Eevee is 3 people

Also your quote means nothing, Marl didn’t say anything about the Eevee faction cap

Yup you should practice what your preach

Okay, fucking no. If unseen can have up to 4 members, so can eevee faction. this is a bastard game and you not accepting this makes you extremly scummy considering we have been talking about this FOR THE ENTIRE DAY.

Jeezus christ man, you actually are rather focusing on a faction that has one member than the other that has all of their members, it makes no goddamn sense.

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