SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I mean your not wrong, if we hang marg and try to this plan, literally the glaceon can occupy and kill sarun, and Tyrant prince can jail and kill Munstrich or me.

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And yes, I want Max dead here, since it’s 50/50 with Dama, with both saying bullshit stuff.

But if we manage to hang NK, we reduce the number of deaths at night by 1, and Munstrich or Sarun can always kill Celeste.

Actualy, you are right. Occupations happen.

Well if Dama is telling the truh about his N3 observations, Max cant be any NK.

Would you rather hang an NK today or an eeveelution.

eevee > NK > evolved one

I would rather not kill evolved ones yet, since they are very likely at the limit cap rn, so finding eevee is easier, since there won’t be new eevee as long as evolved one won’t die.

/vote Margaret

I hate liars even more.

.+ Tyrant prince is actualy one of few NKs I like rn.

Mostly cause he can execute THROUGH immunity, so he can execute eevee.
Others NKs are a liability.

I mean, tonight is not a convert night if they got the convert off during last nights clown fiesta, so pinning down the eevee is quite hard to do in general.

But…it’s a prince with NK win con.

Of course they can kill through immunity

And that means he can do something we cannot do.

What’s more he HAS TO do it, cause eevees are a main threat.

Im fine with mostly an eevee lynch or Tyrant prince, simply because the Pronce can ruin our game plan for tonight.

I mean true, he can kill the eevee, if he gets the right one. Id say there has to be an eevee between boss, shurian, Max, or Sam.

remember i death tunneled Marcus. I am already pretty much confirmed

I mean Dama’s results are bullshit changing every few seconds buuuuut…
I find it unlikely he fakeclaimed observer as NK.

Max on the other hand claimed poet, broke his post restriction, then claimed paladin, was saw visiting on night when he said he didn’t visit (Smite is selftarget in FoL), ect. ect.

They are possibly POSSIBLY both evil.
But Max is never BD here and never a Tyrant Prince.

Aka eeveelution or 2nd NK.

Sam, I’m fine with you not being unseen, I worry about eevees more, especialy that if Celeste is MM, they converted someone last night and them being shot at night does not change much over a lynch.

I brought up the smite, because i thought you could target with it. Thats me forgetting what pally does.

Sooooooo… he tested faith someone in no cult game?

