SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I used Innocence, I am Error and Delirium.

None of my actions truly benefits either sides.

What Eevee said about ‘BD’ Dream God is such utter bs.

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Vote Count

Accused Accusers Count
MaximusPrime Boss110, Damafaud 2/8
eevee MaximusPrime 1/8
Margaret Livicus :crown:, Blizer, Solic, Sarun, Munstrish, eevee, Frostwolf103 8/8

Pretty sure Frost’s vote hammered Margaret, though I’m going to go back and check in case I messed up :stuck_out_tongue: so “brb” basically lol
something something it’s not twilight posting if the vote counter is dumb

(this vote happened post-hammer in the case that it was in fact a hammer btw)


I fucking forgot my vote was on marg still… I hate myself sometimes.

Now look.

Dama is likely scum, but he wouldn’t fake obs as the NK. He is likely evolved eeveelution, so good night kill, but bad day (we don’t want to give more space for convert to eevees)

On the other side Dama was pushing Max, meaning Max is unlikely other eeveelution, but he was pushing him… so he knew it’s likely Max is NK.

Yep looks like that was hammer
I’ll leave the flip to Marl~

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@Ashe this game still has trials
Margaret is now on trial.


The trial will last 24 hours or until majority is reached


Yeah, I messaged her about it as well.

Though, by now this is pretty much a safe execution.


Eevee: so one of the three is scum. dama is scum
Also Eevee: Damam is scum which means max is scum and since he was pushed on that also makes him scum

wtf is this logic

clearly bad

Likely both of you are scum at this point, lel.

That post never comes from town btw.

You are grasping at straws.

Only make me want harder to lynch ya.

/execute At this point, its honestly a safe lynch and with the entire eevee team alive, Tyrant prince needs to kill eevee now to for him to win, which hopefully gives us breathing room.

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Sigh… but it’s not a move wich wins us game…

Pretty much, right now the NKs would be better off finding the Eevolutions rather than attacking lock-town players. If the Eevees get too big, then it’s game for them. Marg is likely the last Unseen player alive if they still are in-game, so if we secure their end and then it’ll be essentially a 3-way match between BD, Eevees, and the NKs.


I agree. If we are lucky NK’s and eevees/unseen will attack each other tonight due to the current number of players.
Btw I have both uses of tornado if you wish me to protect anyone from attacks/conversion.

it may not be one, but its one that buys us time. Its alot better than a myslynch and its still scum.

No one will be converted tonight, so save it.