SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Blizer basically lost and should have been dead, so that was just fakeclaim.

And bit of ironic, the ability I used is actually very useful early on.

But I don´t give a crap apparently.

i put in my concede in my PM`s, should be dead here quickly.

And sine Sariun isn´t suppose to kill out of neutrals, I´d say the MM turned into Assassin recently alongside with leafeon.

who the fuck debts the MM.

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We vote him and we can start to Night 6 right away

If the vote for a king ends in a tie, no king will be elected.

/vote Sarun for King, since I can’t become King apparently

/vote Sarun Neuts in

my last wish…

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Ah well, that’s the reason why I didn’t want to become king in the first place because I wonder if electing the king works the same why I am non-targetable.

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Four hours remaining.

what do you mean
i am the despacito

what’s that suppose to mean, will you vote Sarun btw? He will be CK.

what does c stand for


Technically Sarun claims NK however his wincon is not typical NK to kill all major factions, his wincon is to eliminate all neutrals - which it’s impossible to achieve with me around.

Dreaming God is not neutral
It is not bd either
it has no faction
it just exists

Ah so Sarun was bit of wrong there.

He just need to get rid of Blizer then.

I guess so. I want to die still please and thank you :grinning: