SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

At least Arrogance helps get rid of the unnecessary trial procedure.

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I cant die unless im hung. Neuts in were going to hang sam.

I am going to help Sarun and they have nothing to lose by hanging you, Blizer.

Since the MM-turned Assassin will revert back being MM if I am not mistaken

Agreed, so we hang sam then.

Mate, you lost - rather help a fellow neutral.

I am. I’m voting sarun as King and we hang Sam cause he’s eevee.

What… I was informed that I only needed to kill all non-NK neuts here without any hinting that Frost was not a neutral. To say he is factionless rather than a neut feels kind of like a late-game asspull, tbh.

Though, vagueness like that is kind of expected from a bastard game.


@Alice Well I suppose it’s alright to vote Sam then since your wincon should suppose to change.

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Brings out Tiny Violin I play this for the tragedy that has occurred.

Overdue the time, I think Sarun is now the king.

Can we vote Sam now?


Frankly I just want this game to end already. I basically locked myself up as a Neut King because I didn’t know you were not considered neutral for my class’ win-con and survivors are boring as hell to me. Plus, by now I’d wager that all of the living players are either neutral or aligned with either Eevolutions or the Unseen, making the entire point of social deduction moot.

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I missed everything


I’m basically a Neut Hunter gone Neut King once Marl comes back on, Frost is a Dreaming God, and Blizer is a Scorned that can’t win anymore. We’re going to lynch Sam today and tonight we’ll basically be letting you and Muns battle it out as the last remaining players for the win.

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@Blizer I can convert you if you want

But you were just converted ln.

That was 2 nigts ago

Ahh. Sure why the hell not. I need more suffering as it is.

Also, what the hell is @Munstrish? Did he really get converted or what happened to him?

With the current information I assume @Sam17z is the NK, correct?

Aren’t you technically the NK, because it does say neutral killer on your class card.