SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

brrrrrrrrrrrr it got cold real quick, is there a blizer-d outside?


Those were my predictions at that time though. I was confused by the maximus flip. I thought a MM and a NK were left alive. I was ready to claim lone MM that day if you hadn’t killed me to try and gain votes against “the eevees”.

Bitch, i will throw you off the bridge at Hazakura Temple if you keep this up

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So that’s why you didn’t bother to attack/convert me?

someone make FM but everyclass is a pun at you name

orite @PoisonedSquid wins too


Yeah, out of everyone alive I could only succesfully attack Livicus or Munstrish and Munstrish had a guard ability that kills any attackers, so I wanted Dama to convert him and I would attack king.

If Dama woke up, stepped up and said you were an eeveelution or whatever that he checked as Observer we could have at least a claimoff. This was just very anticlimatic.

I would have been fine with Blizer becoming neutral king as well, but I am not sure if he can escape scorned suicide that way. I did not want any poor fellow passive activating, because I thought for sure that NK would end up winning then. That assassin flip really screwed my strategy.

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Dama was a random convert too. :smile:

Im not gonna lie, i actually saved your guy`s asses there by saying eevee was NS.

Well I had Synthesized him anyways and we still had baton pass, so we were never in any true danger during the day of Eevee getting executed.


You freaked me out with that play for king though. I for sure thought you were making an awesome play as BD, baiting in every scum. It worked on Maximus, even though you were genuine.

It was a mix of both. It was geniune, but i also wanted to see who would do it aswell. I knew you were scum since the day before and i had feelings that sam was also converted that night.

Sorry if I made you salty but my logic was this:

I was betting that everyone would be hanging me tomorrow as I was your target, so I thought no one would kill me, and because it was converting night for the eevees, and Munstrish being the only BD that was confirmes to me, I debted him

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I mean its not bad logic, but you probs should have known you were an easy kill.

I made a risk and gambled


I would like to mention that I was responsible for wiping out most of the Unseen
bow down to the Prince of PGOs


its fine, it just sucks for me :cry:

Lol, rogue tried to kill you that night and Simon tried to occupy you XD

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