SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

This is technically a multiball game, so the other scum faction wouldn’t hesitate getting on the wagon even if Celes was scum.

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I don’t want to no lynch right away. Cause there is something I’m still deciding if I really want to. Or if I really don’t want to.

I call fuckery bullshit on all the fucking posts. None of them count.

@Blizer Poor Fellow only removes the NEXT day’s lynch

Mb, should say next day


Shurian is town, neutral, or an unknown before their alignment change.

Must lynch. If one scum faction out (dunno some kind of bullshit)
Its better this way

@Marluxion This is correct, yes?

Okay listen up people.

Who wants to be confirmed town?

Margaret could you like
not fuck over town with your meaningless lies?



Sorry but I can’t lie

I call bullshit im overwatching leagues way above you, I play hanzo with 4000 DPI and 100 sensitivity, My scatter knows no bounds

But why not?

I’ve only stated the whole truth

That is why we must kill her ass

Scatter Arrow is gone you pleb


stop, none of us here beliver you

Other than my first 10 messages when marl threatened me cough