SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I hardclaim unseen king

@Boss110 I think squid wants to be day vigged


I swear.
I should really stop swearing.
I’m scared I wake up one day without realising I posted x amounts of posts and kaboom goes a sharpener


what did i just say about dayvig?

Didn’t you claim you had one?

What?! No! That’s bullshit! Celeste is the one that needs to be shot!

who know? :man_shrugging:

okay so Poison has a “shoot Celeste” post restriction

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How about you shoot celeste and based on flip we may or may not lynch squid


Could you at least decide whether we should lynch, info lynch, or vig Celeste?

Your lack of decisiveness is giving you a very bad read.


Wait. We have a knight named tech right? GENIUS IDEA I HAVE GUYS

She’s scum, so any method is the best method to get rid of her

correct, he can suicide to confirm BD or kill scum

I can help him on his adventure to kill scum.
I have decided not to use it :wink:

who? :thinking:

I just realized something. What if squid is fool and is trying to get lynched rn by being incredibly aggresive with how she wants celeste dead



Well I have some time. Me normie now. Lets make this count.

First… I have no idea wtf is going on. Let alone read. All my messages were fluff and just avoiding the modkill situation of the class.

Second, Info is NOT helpful. Why do I say this? Because all it does is give scums (lul this guy ded boi) or (get over here). Killed or converted. While scum can easily fake claim a random BD on that list.

Third. Those with post restrictions… are very much outed. I mean… sure… urgh…

And there goes the normal Shuyarn. Back to sweary meary shuriyams

I’m not a fool, why would I ever try to go get rid of scum as a fool? :thinking:

i don’t want to waste my dayvig duh