SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

too late to /spectate?

no, it’s also not too late to /join

there are infinity slots :thinking:


So does this come under semi-open setup in that case?

The game hasn’t been rolled yet, nor will it be rolled until it begins

The class card thread has over 500 potential classes :thinking: so i’d give a look at it


This game is def gonna multiball scum factions isnt it?

Do you mind rigging my roll to 166? Cheers

/join Can’t wait for this lolapalooza


Do day vigs or other non-trial methods of daykill end the day if not specified?

no, they do not

@Marluxion would you mind closing that class card thread at gamestart? Just so people don’t add to it and further lengthen our potential rolelist -_-

can I still /join this?

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Yeah there are infinite slots I am pretty sure

so it won’t start until we get infinite players? :open_mouth:

Nah it will start once Marl finishes with the EFoL

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Should Celeste hold a SFoL or do ya’ll have nightmares about it

I still dream in haikus

No, but i will make a post in the thread stating that only the classes above my post can be rolled


Oi guys prepare for a NEW CELESTE Heh heh heh