SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Fair enough, i know how risky this is, but with all BD having fool passive now, i honestly am afraid of lynching day 1 in general, including Litten if hes telling the truth. I know How scummy his posts have been, believe me. Problem is, we have very little options at the current moment on how to asses and play around the obstacles presently in play. Lynching Litten looks like a good idea, but ill say what boss and litten said earlier on Celeste`s wagon, there are scum on this lynch train and i want to see what happens tonight and then go from there with who died and invest checks being 100% accurate

Wow :frowning:

It would be a shame if someone healed one of the people being attacked

I will haunt you if you do.

Me? No… never… I was just stating that.

Y’all hypocritical if you guys say that there’s scum on Margaret’s wagon and not scum on FK’s wagon, I do think that FK is acting scummy so I will vote him, however, mindlessly sheeping votes for no reason d1 is a little sus in my eyes.

/vote Firekitten

I stated that there was scum on FK`s wagon

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This such confusing situation. Its a total mess starting minute 1

Oh seems like I need to vote FK now cough

/vote FK

Lynching d1 is still the best strat with the fool passive. The punishment for mislynching is no lynching the next day, so how is it better to just no lynch today?

Well it became a mess cuz yall listened to my Day One antics that normally get ignored lol

Dont blame me on that one. I was asleep when that went down.

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Good point

Why would we waste a lynch today if we find confirmed scum tmrw but cant lynch them

I feel like you are voting me because I may find you in my list. :thinking: Give me a day. Like blizer said that if someone dies with immunity then I’m proven at least to have some sort of ability.

With the amount of bastard roles there are we are never guaranteed to have a “confirmed scum”.

My ability makes it so that nothing can interfere with the investigation results tonight.

Okay, but if myslynch today, that means half the people cant vote tmrw, and if scum is in that train they will kill people who were not part of the lynch

Why would we hurt ourselves like that

Don’t lynch me today. Let me get a list. Let killers do their thing. Let other investigators do their thing.