SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!


Right now I am highly suspicious that Captain is likely to be a NK from his posts, or at least a killing scum class.
He hard claims Alchemist, however…

This is him repeatedly claiming to be a neutral, and having a focus on telling rather than showing. This should not be too damning by itself, however as the day goes on he is repeatedly making this claim.

There shouldn’t be any hesitation to outright claim Alchemist here. They’re one of the most pro-BD and easy to confirm neutrals in the game. Unless of course he was more deliberate of his claim, which is a sign that points to scum.

Here, he is repeatedly stating that he’s a neut and that he won’t join either side or whatnot. He’s essential behaving in the neutral equivalent of LAMIST and hammering the point in as in order to pass himself as an Alchemist.

Selective scumhunting. Why exactly not mention the possibility of the NK attacking him and only focus on the scum faction? It’s because he cannot attack himself. Selective scumhunting is extremely telling in multiballs if a player is essentially tunnel visioning into only one of the enemy factions.

Preemptively explaining away his night immunity as NK, and again, he repeated it twice, should be obvious. He wouldn’t have to be repeatedly soft/hard claiming if he were an Alchemist.

Emphasizing his killing abilities and attempting to confirm himself by “yolobombing.” Notice how he just talks about being able to kill and will only mention his healing abilities as BD losing all heals if he is lynched?

Lies. Aside from this, there is no reason why an Alchemist would be so concerned about confirming themselves as they essentially do it by default with their healing. Again, either scum here or a very scummy Alchemist.

Noticed how he only began pushing on FK when Kitten insinuated that he can cause him to die? This is typical scum behavior being displayed. It was obvious that Kitten will most likely flip scum, but for him to only jump on the wagon when FK implied he wanted him dead is extremely suspicious.

Seriously, if you have to say that you’re neutral every three posts, you either are scum or rolled a class with a silly post restriction.

To tie it up, his last few posts hints that he is familiar with ToL but lacks knowledge when it comes to FoL. This is imporatant as he is potentially relying on using Alchemist as a fakeclaim as that is likely what he is most comfortable fakeclaiming. Probability-wise, it would have been far more likely for him to role a GiM neut, and yet despite the odds he still claims to have rolled Alchemist. Nothing here is conclusive so far, but for being d1, his reads are telling.

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He like accused 4-5 people today, honestly possibility is there, but unlikely

Wait I just realized. I could make results all “true” as scorned.

Sarun is typing the longest paragraph ever.


could also be a really smart fool

Right now I’m interesting in hearing his defense, to be honest.

I agree but it maybe because he’s new.

if it wasnt for that fool passive our best strat would be to just lynch fk, if they are scum then yay and if they are bd we check people on their wagon

Then don’t lynch me.
Giving me a day with 32 people isn’t unreasonable

But he still shouldn’t be ignored as just being “new” because new can roll scum too

Yeah, we have to slow down now and actually analyze people. What a chore.

I got nk on my first ever FM btw


And i got Lawyer

So what you are saying is.

@techwolves cs captain.

and it got canned D1

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it’s not my fault :frowning:

Since when are you the dictator of who dies or not?

I got mafia goon on my first FM :popcorn:

I just got an idea that could prove a lot of people and kill scum in the process. Tech kills captain which confirms tech as either knight or another killer role. If Captain flips NK or death immune neut, then we know FK told the truth about the ability he used that lets people bypass immunity.