SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

In ToL I love this class. On FoL, not really.

Did she just claim neutral?

Yes, i did.

Have I been defending a neutral.


Yes, you have been.

Are you alch?

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Its possible.

But I thought

noots in

I don’t think Celeste would claim a neutral as NK.

Everyone except captain and squid. This confirms squid is in fact fool.

But she will side with scum :thinking:

Here is the problem with that

Yet you have nothing against captain.

if your alch, thats two alch claims, which means captain may be NK

No :clap: it :clap: doesn’t :clap:

I can’t directly side with scum in this role list.

You probably got HTMbot then…

This game is overly town with little fakeclaim space.