SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Well lemme say /join again if i can join

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If so can I be immune to ITA k thanks bye

I should mention @Captain that signups for this are still open, but not for my Fire Emblem game

Gotcha, i will be ready for the signups

Oh different forum matches got it

Lost lamb, do not confuse me, the great Margaret with the bastard host, Icibalus. I shall host thy Fate/ game.

Hell yes.

Oh God 30 players




(I don’t remember joining)

(is the back up cuz you can’t join? You can still join I think if you want cuz we have infinity slots)

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I switch to /join now that I’m not suffering from jet lag


Guys i’m going to try as hard as i’m doing in regicide

I decided that was overly harsh so I edited my statement lol.


wait am I not doing good there

Don’t talk bout ongoing games por favor.

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No idea what you are talking about :slight_smile:

I’m bored when will this start

In about 20 minutes

Wait I just realized that this game will start when I am sleeping rip