SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I honestly think Shurian is having a :b:it of fun with his xD


in fact, now that I think about it if someone checks them tonight we are guaranteed to get the right result, whether they are lying or not

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Yeah, which means if unseen is in this game, Mastermind can be found tonight.

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Do we even know if there’s an MM in :b:is

We dont know the scum factions. there are two.

Marl posted something about conversions so unseen is pretty much here

Honestly def not to any angle shooting or anything but I think there is at least unseen.

And :b:arl did say some could be convert factions

Yeah, that was honestly a wierd comment to make, considering that there are like 3 other scum factions that have been made.

not gonna lie, i feel like an idiot for saying that

Welcome to the club.

BTW I really do think there is unseen due to not angle shooting tactics.

I’m not particularly trying to angleshoot this game. To me, angleshooting this game is pointless.

A waste of time too.

Too many :b:astard mechanics?

Too many factors to consider in my angleshooting powers.

What we doing today

for sure there are bastard mechanics

So what plan are we following?
Plan A - Let Tech kill Captain, but an observer has to watch FK in case they try to cheat by killing captain through immunity themselves.
Plan B - Let someone investigate FK, since whether he says the truth about his class we will be guaranteed to get the correct result about them tonight.
Plan C - Yolo lynch litten
Plan D - Everyone massclaims, we gamesolve and move to the next SFoL


I think we put pressure on one of the :b:eutrals

Yeah basically.