SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

why tho

Only neut. We think she may be a Mercenary.

It was one of the roles.

that won’t confirm fk since he can be a nk that can bypass night immunity and will kill captain himself to “prove” it. So an observer should be on fk tonight. Alternatively, a sheriff or other investigatives could check him since we are guaranteed to get a correct result on him whether he lies or not

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dunno :b:oss and you should keep talking so I can reply to you

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I mean would it of been awkward if I said I was her merc

:b:ecause Marl

and then she claims merc lol.

Agree, if anybody has an ability similiar to observe or is an observer, pls watch FK tonight.


welp i will go read all message i guess, i will come back and say if i found anything weird

although I still think plan B is the best one.

(plan D is obv better but no one likes it)

Good luck :b:oss even I didn’ check all the posts :b:ecause most are probably meaningless

I told you I did it again. I got out of being lynched.



See this is why u get lynched.

Speaking about Squid, I can kill her tonight. I am essentially an ∞-shot guiltless Vig so BD won’t be punished much if she ends up being aligned with us.

why is my vote on shurian?

Why the fuck in the fucking fucks would you fucking fuck claim, I’ll tell you scum will claim useless fucks so they dont get fucking fucked and fuck help us when we are legit mass claiming

Oi guys