SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I vote him for no reason other than Fire will be a weird scum and he’s leading it

But I town read him even though he’s leading it :thinking:
Okay who else would you like to lynch besides him?

and it only took me one other post of his for me to realize dama was town


I know there is scum in the wagon but I don’t know who or which one

Going to go back through the posts from today and see how the group came to where it is

Cool. /Unvote Time to find another random voter.

It’s a multiball game with two different informed minorities along with two additional NKs. Scum on the wagon isn’t that a strong indicative in this mode

I mean its safe to assume that if there are suddenly like x2 the amount of people on a wagon that both scum factions are voting this.
My guess is like there are 6 scum together and tomorrow there will be 8.

Funny, I don’t think Marl told BD members how many members each scum factions has.

It should be between 2 and 4, depending on whether the faction has conversion or not

well that’s why its a guess

1 mm 1 assassin 1 random dude another random dude.

Assuming unseen due to not angleshooting I promise.

Oh, wait… was that a scumslip?

can we all agree that someone redirect my vote to shurian?

We shall find out tomorrow if i’m confirmed or not.


its that or moderror

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I agree with the plan

Your just losing it.

what plan?

Supposing everyone follows the plan. Btw does this ability of yours also protect people from being occupied? Because I can see this backfiring if tech is occupied or redirected

The plan to confirm me.