SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Yeah im neut

n - not
e - english
u - united
t - kingdomian

Here you go Eevee
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Do you have enough?

Kind of had that reading on you. An EK wouldn’t want the Alch claim alive as Captain being dead means either a NK gone or one less healer while a GK wouldn’t mind getting rid of the Alch claim as we can get rid of a NK in the process. A Neutral King would rather the potential Alchemist live as it means that they could be healed if bled, while they can also win with the Neutral King.

I wondering how killing me would help kill nk ?

You even have wrong reading on me like i said ici confirmed at least there is one healer at start in tol but somehow you are pulling something else from it

And i wondering as public question why this alch has 3 stoneskin while alch in tol has 4 stoneskin ?

Healer here is not guaranteed


More balanced. And i really think ur alch now for knowing about 3 stoneskins

Yeah but i could have looked it up to since most people thinks i am nk

I wrote a poem for you guys too hopefully you would like it
Let alch to die
Let evils to kill
Watch bd to die
With that kill

Me too

Neut king afk
Alch afk
Decide game in last 4

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I didnt fucking miss shit did I

10x more relaxed post restrictions aint exactly reassuring you know Livi D:

:b:ut constant :b:ing is quite difficult

A poem :b:ack at you would be

let alch claim live
look for nk
:b:d die
when alch nk

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Yeah true i know i would die tonight but i want to see in your eyes tomorrow how it feels to kill alch.When there are more good targets to kill.

GOMENASAI Fuck me please I need a way to alleviate my stress levels

oh god im high

can you guy vote sam? tech will cs captain tonight

CS cannot be used until night 3…?