SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I just haven’t been keeping up with this game.
It’s a bit hard tbh

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Oh true ice cream party allows occs to bypass immunity

/vote Nerb

if you want I can us my death arrow on him, tho it’s only 1 use so should I waste it on Nerb?

Omae wa mou shindieru

nah dont waste it on nerby

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Can we even get majority on nerb in time?

Im sure we have at least one class that can occupy, so how about a butler occupies captain so they dont yolo bomb anyone? Also if we have an observer they should be on captain to see that Tech is the one that kills them and not someone else


or the observer can be on litten as we planned earlier

Just occ him then if fires right i kill him no one dies

if someone tells me who Nerby is bombing, I can deal with him :thinking:

If we got no clue be on me just in case he bombs me out of revenge

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Alright I already stoneskinned for tonight so I should be good


…you do know that if FK is saying the truth everyone will ignore death immunity today right?

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I already stoneskinned before u said it would bypass ok u skrub

Um fires ability bypasses death immunity… if the scum attack you your ss fails


Late send


I did a good thing