SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

His last post was from like post 300 doh :thinking:

nvm 1445

I was forced by @Nerbins to say sorry.
Sorry captain.

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You know what to do, Marl.

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If you think I’m paying enough attention to know who’s in this game you’re wrong

VC pending

Accused Voters Count
Margaret PoisonedSquid, Hippolytus 2/17
Firekitten Captain, Memesky :crown:, Solic 4/17
Icibalus Damafaud 1/17
Captain Livicus, Sarun, Margaret, Pug 4/17
Sam17z PsychoNeirik, Frostwolf103 2/17
Marcus_Doodalee Sam17z 1/17

(I counted Firekitten’s Nerbins vote as an unvote btw)


Oi marl read holy grail

@Icibalus You have more experience in these massive multiball setups than me, is getting a d1 lynch worse or better for BD?

havent read any of the last 800 posts and not gonna

Dont worry it was filler posts

yes D1 lynch is obviously beneficial for town


imma vote marcus for that question tbh, seems like he wants to be seen trying to do the most pro-BD thing by asking obvious questions

/vote marcus

also i cba to read up so it is very convenient scumreading the person who literally just posted.

see you all tomorrow for my contribution.

Sarun just moved up on my Forum Player List by posting that video.

Captain is claiming a neutral, so even if we mislynch then we don’t get the penalty, so he’s the safest lynch.

/vote Captain

That’s true and we could get a scum. What type of neutral did Captain claim btw?

We literally have less than a day left. It’s clear Hippo missed the message where it said that all BD have the fool’s passive.I asked because I thought the downside would be a massive chance of hitting BD, the pro is we have wagons to analyse.

I think Captain shows a genuine neutral motivation here claiming alchemist and Memesky’s comment here gives credence to that. The question would then become whether lynching an alch is a good idea or not. It seems not to be so I would be content with a neut lynch today.

Meme also claimed neutral king. I also think lynching the starting king so all royal bloods can step up and confirm themselves makes a lot of sense, especially in such a big setup.

I think memesky is the better lynch objectively for BD in terms of confirmability.

/vote Memesky

Alch, except he’s also wanting to yolobomb since we’re going to CS him tonight, which makes his lynch far better for BD in general.

Very few classes in this setup has RB. Lynching Meme won’t give that much information for us.

This is true. However I have a med-strong read on Captain. If you really think lynching an alchemist is good here, I will vote him.


/vote nerbins

Actually, after ISOing he distinctly lacks town motivation in any of his posts, and it looks like he’s just trying to survive when he lacks a reason to claim and hasn’t even being pressured that much

/vote Cap

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