SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!


hmkay x2

Although tbh I htink the speed of votes can be explained by the fact it’s a 32p and not by anything to do with Marcus’s allignment, considering that it’s a multiball game and the other faction would have no reason to resist the lynch.

Just saying but shouldn’t we have as few people on the wagon as possible? Because that way we can limit the effects of the Fool passive

Right, it’s time for me to laugh at the fact that i come from a nation that thinks it’s good at football but really isn’t. I’ll be back in ~2 hours.

I’ve been saying this a lot. We have two different informed minorities alongside two different Neutral Killers and assuming the minorities are conversion-based, they shouldn’t have that many numbers d1. The vote speed here shouldn’t factor in reads as much as your typical match.

Plus the shear number of players means that it isn’t actually that fast persentage wise

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I honestly dont give a fuck im having fun with this class

/vote Marcus
Choo Choo.


honestly there are so many alignments i am stupid sure this will run into bd but eh

Hmm A cit isn’t that bad of a lynch

/vote Marcus

Well rip marcus

/vote marcus

/vote marcus
i am not bus him right now just saying :smirk:

Lel Dama fucking triggered me
Lets lynch a cit claim
Well lets then
/vote Marcus.

I really dont understand why people still don’t like me when im a BD-Neut :thinking:

And who the hell said i was an alch? Its possible that im really a merc :thinking:

Almost no one is voting you. Chill out


/vote marcus leave neuts :triumph:

2 more for trial

(What did marcus do)